You can’t get a little bit pregnant, Mr Lee Hsien Yang
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
2 min read

You can’t get a little bit pregnant, Mr Lee Hsien Yang

It's funny how clearly you can see through Lee Hsien Yang's narrative. It's so clumsy only the most gullible can fall for it. So, at first he claimed the Ridout Rd. rentals were a scandal (for some reason) but following POFMA and a threat

It's funny how clearly you can see through Lee Hsien Yang's narrative. It's so clumsy only the most gullible can fall for it.

So, at first he claimed the Ridout Rd. rentals were a scandal (for some reason) but following POFMA and a threat of a defamation lawsuit he claims his posts didn't say the ministers acted corruptly.

Forgive me, but what was the "scandal" about then?

Looks like he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. He casts aspersions on ministers only to then claim he didn't mean anything like that at all.

You can't get a little bit pregnant.

You can't claim something somebody did was scandalous and then say that you didn't actually suggest any impropriety. What the hell were you trying to say then?

If LHY now says he didn't imply any corrupt behaviour then, effectively, he confirms there is no evidence of it – and ministers acted in line with the law.

The only thing one could conceivably claim - and even that is just a subjective opinion - is that government ministers are in a position of possible conflict of interest if they are dealing with government bodies over personal matters (like housing rental).

But even if you make such a point – and, again, this is subject to interpretation, not an objective fact (i.e. how far should cabinet members be allowed to interact with other state bodies) – this should be AT MOST an observation about the system, not particular people in it.

Existence of a potential conflict of interest is not illegal as such and to become at least immoral it would still require the public office holder to abuse his privilege for personal gain.

In other words, what LHY does by backtracking on his earlier posts, is confirm that PAP ministers are actually MORE honourable and honest than the laws require them to, given that they did not benefit excessively from a position that LHY alleges put them in a conflict of interest vs. SLA and properties it manages.

Of course we know what all of this is about: smearing people LHY has a personal grudge against, while dodging any responsibility in the process.

But it's so pathetically clumsy it's laughable.

Disgruntled kopitiam uncles may fall for it, as they can't see beyond their own frustrations. But anybody with half a brain can only gasp in disbelief LKY's own son is on an absurd mission, destroying his own father's legacy and tarnishing the family name in the process.

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
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Singapore Opposition Politics