My concerns for Singapore grow every day
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
3 min read

My concerns for Singapore grow every day

I worry about Singapore every day. I just hope it's the social media bias, that there simply cannot be that many dumb people in the city-state. Then again, 40% already voted for people like Pritam, LMW or Lim Tean... Now, wherever I go I do see many people

I worry about Singapore every day. I just hope it's the social media bias, that there simply cannot be that many dumb people in the city-state. Then again, 40% already voted for people like Pritam, LMW or Lim Tean...

Now, wherever I go I do see many people cheering for Leong Mun Wai and other opposition MPs, all of whom collectively voted to destroy the most successful public housing scheme in the world.

And what do they propose? To force you to live in one apartment forever, without practical ability to sell it when you want to.

Mind you, their supporters are often the same people who decry 99-year leashehold as "renting from the government".

And all I wonder is - how did any of them finish any school? How can you pass any exam or, for that matter, find any job that pays decent money with this level if intellectual debilitation? With this poor English comprehension? Being so effin' lazy that you don't even care to read a full statement from the government or even use the blessing of the internet to check the data?

How can you not understand what a few sentences mean and what they would do to the value of your home? How they would utterly destroy your retirement savings?

And support whom exactly? When Chiam See Tong was around one at least could be sure he had Singapore at heart and was decent enough to admit his own errors.

But you cheer for Leong Mun Wai, who takes his information from Telegram? Who wants to raid the reserves and impose hundreds of billions of dollars in cost on future generations, most of which will simply evaporate from Singaporean economy as value lost on assets like domestic housing and foreign investment by the GIC?

Or maybe Pritam Singh, who had no qualms about advocating that HDB cut its output by half just 3 years ago and now has the temerity to lecture the government in the parliament?

If this vile manipulative smooth-talker had any decency he'd sit down, bow his head in shame and, at the very least, sit quietly.

But maybe he doesn't even know what his own party wanted 3 years ago? It wouldn't surprise me given the political opportunism they all have long employed.

This is a man who, in full public view, in front of the parliament and under oath wanted to change the meaning of the English language, effectively lying in front of COP about his role in Raeesah Khan's affair.

You may dislike the PAP, but how stupid do you have to be to sit there and say - "hey, this guy is better! I trust him more! He's getting fixed by the PAP!" - after he deliberately hushed up the matter until police started investigating it and then claimed he had no role in it?

Are these your higher standards?

Opposition supporters are lately rambling about Keppel or SPH and yet find no problems with AHTC?

Keppel's bribery happened in Brazil, in line with the demands of local, nomen omen "Workers' Party" which was in charge at the time. Keppel's officials did not seek benefits for themselves but for the business, guaranteeing billions of dollars worth of contracts and well-paying jobs for Singaporeans in the country.

And they still were under international investigation.

SPH, meanwhile, identified people who inflated circulation numbers (which aren't even all that important) by 10% and then promptly fired them. All without public inquiry.

How do you want to compare this to Pritam laying low, refusing to come clean on the lies about SPF that he perpetuated by not acting for months, until police began calling Raeesah up for questioning?

And did Raeesah even go? What did the party leadership do prior to it becoming a public affair?

What did they do at AHTC, for years employing friends they gave a carte blanche to sign their own cheques for work nobody checked they performed, while paying the highest rates in the country OUT OF PUBLIC MONEY?

It wasn't WP that discovered irregularities and decided to come clean (unlike e.g. SPH did, firing the responsible people long before media even got to know about it). It was the TC auditor who flagged their financial statements. Without proper external controls nobody would ever know what was going on there and how disastrously incompetent the management was (to the point of keeping many records on paper for years, instead of in a digital accounting system).

And yet, these people - who have nothing to show for themselves other than one dubious act after another - are now coming out in public to berate the government whose policies are housing millions of Singaporeans?

And, worst of all, there are so many idiots living in these apartments who are supporting them?

How do you not get worried about the future of Singapore given the monumental scale of this lunacy?

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
Updated on
Singapore Opposition Politics