Despite being an MP Jamus Lim doesn’t know how company registration works
When an academic lecturer forgets to do his homework.
Lorem ultrices malesuada sapien amet pulvinar quis. Feugiat etiam ullamcorper pharetra vitae nibh enim vel.
SubscribeWhen an academic lecturer forgets to do his homework.
My recent argument with Jamus Lim (you can follow it in full on his wall) has revealed just how ambitious and self-confident WP's economist is.After lecturing trade unions back in 2020 about "folksy wisdom" that apparently guides their negotiations with the government re: minimum wages,
As the controversy over PMD ban continues, I have a few other observations to make as a result of it - about the government and about the public - and the underappreciation of innovation. I rarely (if ever) say a bad word about Singaporean authorities because they seem to avoid