Lee Hsien Wayang
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
2 min read

Lee Hsien Wayang

After being caught lying under oath what should disgraced people do? Bow their heads in shame and apologise to everybody, before disappearing out of view for all eternity. Alas, this is rarely the case among those of poor morals. They would rather continue shamelessly gaslighting everyone. If you lied once

After being caught lying under oath what should disgraced people do? Bow their heads in shame and apologise to everybody, before disappearing out of view for all eternity.

Alas, this is rarely the case among those of poor morals. They would rather continue shamelessly gaslighting everyone. If you lied once you might as well lie two, three, four, umpteen times more - what's the difference?

They keep trying to present themselves as victims, despite impartial court rulings which showed that they used their influence over LKY and after his death launched into a conflict with the eldest brother - the very same that modern Singapore's founding father made his successor - and then repeatedly lied under oath about it.

And so this shameful spectacle goes on. Lee Hsien (Wa)Yang has now transitioned into another role - a dissident fleeing persecution!

Can you grasp the temerity in this guy to ever do something like that?

The police was investigating him and his wife about their lies and merely requested an interview - to which they agreed. They requested a different date and SPF acceded. But when the time came they refused and it was found they were already out of the country.

Why? Were they fleeing persecution or, rather, fleeing responsibility?

Or, even worse, is it just a political show to exact revenge on Lee Hsien Loong by an envious sibling who is finally getting his five minutes in the spotlight after their father died?

It seems to me that they have been preparing this narrative for quite a long time.

After all, LHY's son, Li Shengwu, was out whining on Twitter earlier in 2022 how he would be arrested if he landed in Singapore. Really? Why? On what basis? Nobody actually knows and if you ask him you're going to get blocked :) Ah, transparency, honesty, integrity! He was only fined for contempt of court, like he would be in any country.

I'm wondering if Terry Xu's departure to Taiwan, after being questioned by IMDA about his donors - details of whom he refused to provide - was not a part of a broader scheme agreed between all of them.

After all, LHY attended a TOC fundraiser before the pandemic...

Why comply with local laws, attend interviews and respond to answers, if you can pack your bags and play a dissident in exile? If you can twist a police request to provide some information in an ongoing case into a totalitarian abuse of power? Remember how Terry sent his hyenas to hound a lady with dementia to peddle a story about some abuse by SPF, which all proved to have been false?

Did Terry ever apologise? No.

And now Lee Hsien Wayang has floated an idea of running for president later this year, when the election is due. Of course he must realise he is not going to meet the criteria but that's exactly what he wants - to be prevented from running, so he can claim even more persecution.

It's a shameful spectacle done by little people, devoid of any hint of class, integrity or honesty, whose only aim is to damage the government of the nation out of spite and personal envy against LHL.

Even if it comes at the expense of destroying Lee Kuan Yew's legacy.

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
Updated on
Singapore Opposition Politics