How can people be so shameless?
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
3 min read

How can people be so shameless?

Shamelessness is a word I use often a lot because I can't help but wonder where are its limits among the people who attack Singapore and all the people who built it. Where is the limit beyond which one would say - OK, that's just wrong,

Shamelessness is a word I use often a lot because I can't help but wonder where are its limits among the people who attack Singapore and all the people who built it.

Where is the limit beyond which one would say - OK, that's just wrong, immoral, insensitive, out of place?

And I get surprised every single day by how brazen people can be. Is there a single decent person anywhere in the so-called Singaporean "opposition"?

Starting with its very leader in the parliament, Pritam Singh.

He was the one shamelessly talking about "ownself checking ownself" in reference to PAP – and then proceeded to hand over running of his own Town Council to pals that had a carte blanche to do whatever they wanted, with minimal supervision, leading to mismanagement of public money.

His MP shamelessly lied about SPF in the parliament and he then shamelessly hid the lie for months before equally shamelessly arguing that by telling her it was her "call" he actually told her to admit everything.

His party's vice-chairman shamelessly refused to respond to COP questions. The party's social media darling, warming the cockles of people's hearts, shamelessly misquotes others and data to mislead the public about economic matters like minimum wage or taxation.

Another MP shamelessly claimed that the party did not suggest HDB supply will need reduction in view of allegedly slowing demand, even though that's precisely what its proposal stated.

Elsewhere, PSP's chief entertainer shamelessly picks stories up from Telegram or Whatsapp and relays them in parliament as fact. He then talks down HDB, by suggesting Singaporeans are "condemned" to living in public housing - before proposing a scheme that would really condemn them to living in one place for their entire lives.

And now we have the new generation of shameless pseudodissidents. Terry Xu shamelessly claims persecution, despite shamelessly peddling misinformation via TOC and refusing to fulfil basic requests for information about his donors, that IMDA kept extending to him for 2 years.

Charles Yeo, the wacky chairman of the Reform Party, who loved to talk about how people who opposed minimum wage should be shot dead, is now shamelessly claiming to have been a government target after running away from the Singaporean law.

And, finally, the man you've all come here to read about, Lee Hsien Wayang, of all the effin' people, is shamelessly claiming persecution after he and his wife were caught lying under oath and were merely to be interviewed by the police on the matter last year.

This guy has the gall to decry how a private issue of LKY's house was turned into a public spectacle - when, in fact, HE was the person who did it.

It was Lee Hsien Loong who pleaded for privacy and reconciliation, despite the fact that LHY had no qualms about using his deceased father to strike against his elder brother shortly after the funeral.

LHY is now shamelessly whining on social media how he and his wife "lost" everything, after he cashed in on lucrative landed properties and absconded with her to Europe, where they had lived for months, despite requesting police to move the date of their interview before refusing it after they jumped ship.

It's the very same guy who said that his "public statements could be inaccurate because they are not sworn statements".

Yes, he ADMITTED that to the Disciplinary Tribunal which was examining his wife's role in misleading ailing Lee Kuan Yew to sign a different will.

He used to say he had no ambition to enter politics but orchestrated a quick attack on his brother - and prime minister - by drawing public attention to the case, then lending his support to an opposition party and now floating delusional notions of running for president, while in self-imposed "exile".

And now he has even used his sister's illness to draw attention to himself and how he won't be able to see her. Wow, where is the bottom, really? There's no arrest warrant in his name, he's not threatened with years in jail, he just has to provide answers about the lies he was found to have peddled, that's it.

Pardon my French, but how the f... do these people get up every day and look in the mirror? How can any even remotely decent person live their life on such a mountain of lies?

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
Updated on
Workers’ Party People’s Action Party Singapore Opposition Politics Progress Singapore Party