Has Leon Perera just rebelled against his party?
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
2 min read

Has Leon Perera just rebelled against his party?

Something remarkable has happened, proving that maybe change in Singaporean politics is possible after all! Workers' Party Leon Perera condemned "flashy soundbites that smear our opponents, that the media then viralise" - adding that he doesn't want his kids to grow up in a "

Something remarkable has happened, proving that maybe change in Singaporean politics is possible after all!

Workers' Party Leon Perera condemned "flashy soundbites that smear our opponents, that the media then viralise" - adding that he doesn't want his kids to grow up in a "post-truth" society.

Does that mean that someone in WP is actually going to start telling the truth!

Does it mean that Leon Perera has just disavowed Pritam Singh, who wanted to change the meaning of the English language? And who hid Raeesah Khan's lies for months?

Or his ex colleague herself, who made up the story about SPF to score political points? Or, perhaps, Jamus Lim, who has a penchant for misquoting others or making baseless claims about the impact of GST, minimum wage or wealth taxes.

Or maybe Mr. Perera would like to finally correct himself and admit that the Workers' Party made a catastrophic judgement error underestimating the need for new HDB apartments and that the "solution" it presented in its white paper would not contribute at all to supply of the apartments, since it relied on existing flats

Not to mention coming clean about the mismanagement of funds in AHTC... eh...

In other words, it's hard to find a single Workers' Party MP who presents anything to the people in a truthful manner.

But, of course, I'm being sarcastic here. Nobody who has a habit of repeating misleading claims is going to suddenly start telling the truth.

His quip was, amazingly, said in response DPM Lawrence Wong's appeal to the opposition to engage in merit-based debate and present actual solutions, instead of taking jabs at the government, trying to undermine public trust in its policies, without presenting any reasonable alternative, while covering up their own mistakes with lies.

Dear Mr. Perera, nobody knows better than you what "post-truth" is - and Singapore can only be spared when you and your colleagues finally start telling the truth.

Of course that would likely mean the end of your political existence, since nothing that your party has ever offered was either truthful or, assuming you occasionally exhibit some good will, correct.

Perhaps you should lecture others when you clean up your own stable first, hm?

Everybody wants to lead, but very few want to lead by example.

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
Updated on
Workers’ Party Singapore Opposition Politics