Drug dealers play victim only when they get caught
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
2 min read

Drug dealers play victim only when they get caught

I lifted the headline at the bottom from Coconuts which posted a sad report about the impending demise of this "great man". Meanwhile, Kirsten Han penned a long story of how Nazeri was really a victim himself and he deserved state care not hanging. The reality is far

I lifted the headline at the bottom from Coconuts which posted a sad report about the impending demise of this "great man". Meanwhile, Kirsten Han penned a long story of how Nazeri was really a victim himself and he deserved state care not hanging.

The reality is far simpler - he was (past tense, since while you're reading it he's probably swinging from the rope already) a drug user and a drug peddler who has spent most of his life in prison and rehab, who finally got caught smuggling too much heroin to escape the noose.

I really find it nauseating reading stories of how someone came from a broken, impoverished family and ended up using and smuggling drugs because it clearly was easy money.

It's an insult to all the hardworking people who also do not have much but don't resort to breaking the law or taking advantage of someone else, fuelling the global drug epidemic for personal gain.

If you had several previous stints in prisons and drug rehab, and you still resorted not only to using but selling drugs as well, why the hell should the society exhibit any compassion or understanding?

And what possible benefit would keeping you alive have for it?I don't know the specific data for Singapore but I do know that around 2000 people die of overdose in Australia each year. TWO THOUSAND.

Not a few crooks who get the noose after a decade in prison on taxpayers' dime. I don't see any activists holding vigils for those thousands of dead, for broken families, lost children, parents and so on.

To self-serving do-gooders they're just a meaningless statistic - far too large to give any attention to as they would have to mention several people dying EACH DAY because criminals wanted to make a quick buck.

(Though perhaps not in Singapore where death penalty has restricted drug abuse to the minimum, thus saving countless lives over the years).

Has Nazeri ever cared about anything or any one other than himself? Heck, he didn't even care about his family, did he? Not the family, not the society, country or even the people he would sell the drugs to eventually.

Isn't it ludicrous that we have to go through these tear-jerkers every time some trafficker gets caught? Oh, dearie me, all of a sudden he's a loving husband, brother, a great man, wonderful person.

F.... off with this rubbish. He's playing victim because he knows what's coming. And so does his family which had failed to keep him off drugs in the years prior. Blame yourselves, not the government or the laws which are equal for everyone.

If you're selling drugs you deserve it.

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
Updated on
Politics Law & Order