Branson chickens out of drug policy debate
By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
2 min read

Branson chickens out of drug policy debate

So, predictably, Richard Branson has chickened out from public debate on drug policy with K Shanmugam Sc but the way he did that reveal just what a nauseatingly disgusting person he is (much like all hippie do-gooders, though). In a statement posted on his blog on Monday and addressed to

So, predictably, Richard Branson has chickened out from public debate on drug policy with K Shanmugam Sc but the way he did that reveal just what a nauseatingly disgusting person he is (much like all hippie do-gooders, though).

In a statement posted on his blog on Monday and addressed to Shanmugam, Branson said a televised debate “cannot do the complexity of the death penalty any service” as it “reduces nuanced discourse to sound bites” and “turns serious debate into spectacle”.

This is remarkable.

So, let's get this straight, a televised debate where he gets to present and defend his position as a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, "cannot give the issue any service" but his lopsided blog posts can?

This is the tyranny of the hippies, manifesting itself all over the world. Only their views are right, only their views can be given publicity, only their ideas matter - and nobody should be able to contest them.

Wherever they can they simply cancel their opponents, shut down them as bigots, get them banned from social media platforms, make them lose their jobs, sponsors and whatnot.

And when they can't, they simply cowardly retreat putting up a smokescreen as cover.

Richard Branson is not only a hypocrite, he is an example of a vile tumour eating the world right now, where useless nobodies and celebrities alike feel they have the right to live off tragedies of millions of people suffering not only from drug abuse but from violent nature of drug trade.

At the same time, they feel compelled to attack those who actually do something about it, much like a disease infecting a healthy organism seeks first to overpower its immune response.

It makes them look good, righteous, progressive, without actually doing much. Branson is known for his many publicity stunts - and that's fine in business, when you want to sell a mobile subscription, a plane ticket or a soft drink nobody wants.

But the billionaire is so detached from the realities of life that he believes he can play with people's lives from a bedroom in his mansion, attacking easily the most successful government in the world.

He couldn't care less about some guy getting hanged - all he cares about is leeching on his blood, being given the opportunity to catapult his delusions into the global spotlight.

I don't know what's with this necrophiliac obsession of people who proclaim to be fighting for a better future. Have you noticed how they only appear in the media a few days before another death row inmate is about to get what he deserves?

Like vultures circling a dying prey.

What sort of a person must you be to think - "great, another bloke is getting the noose so let's write about it to get social media reach"?

They do it on every topic - they thrive on torment of others, which they use to drive attention to themselves.

Have you noticed how Branson took the opportunity to drum up his membership of the Global Commission on Drug Policy - but what does he have to show for it? How many problems has it solved? How many people has it saved?

They claim that "war on drugs has failed" - no it didn't, certainly not in Singapore. But the defiant city-state is, understandably, a sore point for them, because it has managed to pretty much crush drug abuse using all the measures they advocate against.

Naturally, because they don't care about effectiveness policies they peddle, they jumped to discrediting the city-state, success of which proves their entire circus has no reason to exist.

By Michael Petraeus profile image Michael Petraeus
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Society Law & Order